5 Ways to Improve Sales Training in Your Company

Why Sales Training Is Your Key To Exponential Growth

Sales training is one of the most solid investments a company can make that can steer it towards greater success. When done right, it can pay off handsomely. According to Task Drive, companies can generate up to 353% in ROI from well-executed programs. That’s roughly $4.53 for every dollar a firm invests.

Whether you choose to work with established sales training companies or create your own program from scratch, here are ways to ensure that your investment pays off. 

Make training interactive

Traditional methods of learning can be dizzyingly dull and ineffective. Interactive training can shake things up and ignite your team's desire to learn. Interactive learning uses methods such as games, stories, and simulations, among others. 

Interactive learning makes learning fun and engaging. When salespeople are having fun, they are more likely to be motivated and retain what they learn. Also, they often grasp new knowledge and gain new abilities more quickly. 

In addition, interactive learning gives salespeople a chance to practice in a safe and controlled environment. This can help them perform better when the time comes to sell in the real world. The result of which is often better selling performance and increased productivity. 

Regularly update the curriculum

Things are rarely set in stone in any industry or niche. Markets and technologies evolve, and customers change. Examining and updating the curriculum regularly can help your team learn new selling techniques. This can improve your sales team’s ability to stay ahead of the competition and close more deals. 

Learning new strategies can also keep your company's sales force excited about their jobs. Excited employees are more likely to be engaged and productive. They are also more likely to stay with their company. According to Lorman, retention rates rise 30-50% for companies with strong learning cultures.

Furthermore, offering your employees the most relevant and up-to-date learning content shows that you're committed to being a top-performing company. This can help you attract and retain the best talent. 

Tailor sales training to fit different learning styles

When it comes to learning, one size rarely fits all. So, it is important to tailor workplace training to all types of learning styles. Doing so can create a more engaging and effective sales training program that is sensitive to its learner’s needs. This can lead to better results for your company.

There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. For visual learners, you may show infographics or charts in the training materials. For auditory learners, consider using recorded lectures or podcasts with clear sound. Kinesthetic learners enjoy hands-on active training or simulations.

Measure and track progress

To see the benefits of sales training, it is recommended that companies put a system in place to measure and track progress. Doing so allows them to notice and analyze areas where employees need more help. It can also show what necessary adjustments they need to make to the training program.

There are a few key metrics that organizations should track and measure. These include sales performance, satisfaction levels, and completion rates.

  • To measure sales performance, look at conversion rates, average deal size, deal cycle times, revenue & margin, and win rate. 

  • Graduate training surveys or other feedback mechanisms can help assess satisfaction levels. 

  • A low completion rate may suggest that the program is too long, too difficult, or not engaging enough.

Give certificates of completion

Giving employees certificates after training may seem like an insignificant gesture. Yet, it can have a big impact on employee morale and motivation. That's because solid recognition is a fundamental human need. Also, when employees feel like their company is invested in their development, they are more likely to engage in the work and be committed to their career goals. 

Being handed out certificates can also give employees a sense of accomplishment. This feeling can help fuel up their willingness to complete future training courses. In addition, it shows that employees have completed the training, which can be important for legal or compliance reasons.

Schedule ongoing coaching sessions

Companies that complement sales training with coaching and support can avoid fresh knowledge seeping away soon after it’s been acquired. It's also a great way to help team members stay focused and motivated to apply what they have learned after they have completed the training.

Post-training coaching is most effective when you can meet regularly. It is also best to keep the sessions short and to follow a set structure. To improve attendance and accountability, try to hold the sessions on the same day and time each week. 

In closing

Sales training is important for any company, big or small. As the market is rarely static, salespeople need to be constantly learning and sharpening their skills if they want to succeed. These 5 tips can help to ensure that their training is effective and well worth the investment.